Revolutionizing Poultry Label Production: A Case Study.

Catapultprint Revolutionizing Poultry Label Production A Case Study

The Challenge

A leading North American poultry manufacturer, whose business is booming, was struggling to keep up with demand and deliver against lead times, due to the slow and unsatisfactory service from their label supplier.

The company needed to be agile, as design requirements and specifications for their packaging were constantly changing. But they couldn’t rely on their label supplier, as extremely long and uncertain lead times and erratic delivery schedules were causing chaos, with delays and a backlog of wasted stock.

Our Solution

We stepped in, and straight away started to change things up – for the better! Working closely with the manufacturer, we re-engineered their entire process to tackle the root causes of their challenges. Understanding the critical need for speed, accuracy, and compliance with industry regulations, we slashed their label lead time from a debilitating 4 weeks to an astounding 3.5 days.

This transformation was achieved through our state-of-the-art production capabilities, agile supply chain management, and real-time tracking technology. By eliminating their reliance on excessive inventory, we freed up their cash flow and reduced waste and storage costs. Our proactive approach ensured that the labeling process became a streamlined, high-velocity operation, capable of adapting quickly to market changes and regulatory requirements.

The Outcome

In a short period, we achieved remarkable results:

– SKU’s Printed: 60
– Average Turnaround Time: 3.5 Days
– On-Time Delivery: 94%
– Full Delivery: 100%

With Catapult Print, the poultry manufacturer benefited from rapid deliveries, enabling them to keep up with production demands without the constant worry of label shortages or the need to hold excessive inventory. This partnership has propelled their business forward, allowing them to focus on producing high-quality poultry labels.

What They Said

The poultry manufacturer shared their satisfaction with the results:

“The service Catapult provides is unparalleled. We always know the status of our orders using their digital tracker Crystal, and the client service team consistently keeps us updated.”

Catapult Print’s innovative approach not only resolved their immediate challenges but also established a new benchmark for efficiency and reliability in their supply chain, setting a new standard in the industry.