How Catapult Print Revolutionized Label Production for a Leading US Household Brand.

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A leading US household brand was entangled in inefficiencies with their previous label supplier, wrestling with a grueling 6-week lead time for product labels. In an industry where consumer preferences and regulations shift rapidly, this sluggish pace was a real problem. Coupled with a need for better quality print on the high grade products, the brand was looking for a change. The brand needed more than a fix—they needed a revolution to break free from the constraints of slow label production and massive inventory costs.


Catapult Print listened and understood the challenges with our implementation team. Recognizing the urgent need for speed and precision, we slashed their lead time from a debilitating 6 weeks to a mere 8 days. This wasn’t just an upgrade—it was a seismic shift. By delivering rapid and reliable label production, we shattered the limitations of extended waiting periods and inventory bloat. From a quality perspective we also utilized our state of the art Bellissima screening technology to enhance the print quality on these large labels. Our intervention turned their operations into a streamlined, high-velocity powerhouse.


The impact was immediate and game-changing:

Lead Time Reduction: From a stifling 6 weeks to a lightning-fast 8 days

On-Time Delivery: 100%

Full Delivery: 100%

SKUs Managed: 20

With Catapult Print, the household brand achieved unprecedented agility. The swift turnaround times empowered them to keep pace with the frenetic market dynamics and regulatory upheavals without the looming threat of label shortages or the financial drag of surplus stock. This partnership catapulted them into a new era of efficiency and focus, allowing them to dominate their market with confidence.


The household brand was over the moon with the transformation:

“Catapult Print has completely shattered our expectations. We needed a partner who could disrupt the status quo and deliver extraordinary results. Catapult’s 8-day turnaround time, compared to our previous 6-week ordeal, has revolutionized our efficiency and flexibility. We’ve obliterated excess inventory, supercharged our cash flow, and now have a partner who consistently delivers excellence. This partnership has been nothing short of a game-changer.”

Let Catapult Print revolutionize your labeling process and forge a partnership that drives disruptive growth and success. Get in touch today.